Just being not good enough!

Nova Ahmed
1 min readMar 11, 2023


I was having an informal conversation with my daughter Arisha about patriarchy and suppression. Later talked about it to Tamanna. Thought of writing it up while the women’s day flavor is ongoing.

We were talking about how women are put down by shaming them, criticizing them- often, for their best qualities (yes, there are theories about it). The beautiful body we own, haven’t we be ashamed of it, at least once? For the breasts, for having too much of it, not enough of it or anything around it … it was always there. Then period — menstruation — htat makes us unchaste, dirty, untouchable because, yes, that is special. Emotions? Oh! That’s why we can’t take decisions, not able to judge while it is abused for free care work.

When I was growing up, I loved to study, learn and reading books was my window. I have heard harsh words as being selfish when I performed well in my exams in the middle of family drama. I was criticized for my PhD. Oh, most of the time women were the harshest.

So if you have heard anything about any of your atributes — loud voice, lack of manners, disobedience, sissy, too sensitive, less sensitive, anything bad — just remember it is probably your greatest qualities.

Nurture it.

And be extremely proud of it.

That day is not far when they will come to take shelter under your wings that you spread fearlessly!



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